Friday, May 7, 2010

Lunch at School!

What a fun day in kindergarten! We got to eat lunch at school! We are working so hard to get ready for first grade. We all had to learn our lunch numbers and then practice, practice, and practice them! When we went into the cafeteria to get our lunch, we had to type in our own number. EVERYBODY dis awesome! This is what the keypad looks like. We had lots of helpers! Ms. Lokken, our PE teacher, Mrs. Miller, our Music teacher helped. This is a picture of Olivia and Winter. They showed us where to sit and then helped us up open our milk cartons. They also helped when it came time to clear our trays! Thanks girls!
Onna's mom, Mrs. Ostendorf, didn't just help Onna, she helped all of us ! Thanks Mrs. O!
YUM! A lot of us chose chocolate milk!
We ate cheese pizza, salad, veggies, apple sauce, and rice. We all ate really well!
After we were done, we waited in the hallway for our friends, and then headed back to the room to do our work. What a fun day!

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